Myo Yan Naung Thein, a prominet leader of Burma who just released from prison told how he suffered at the hands of brutal military regime

We sacrificed a lot. I will have to carry on until we get democracy in Burma. As a student, I didn’t really know about politics. I only knew that the military government is wrong. So I rebelled and demonstrated against the military government. Their rule is totally wrong for Burma. Because of that, they arrested and cruelly imprisoned me. After we were imprisoned, we learned more and more about the injustices carried out by the military government, and that strengthened my beliefs even more. So who will keep fighting if we don’t? We have to carry on. But for the moment, I still don’t know about the current situation in Burma. I need to learn, and wait and see for a while. I am sure I will carry on, but I can’t tell you how.

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) today calls for world leaders to not to get lost in junta’s game plan of sham 2010 election instead of focusing on national reconciliation

We sacrificed a lot. I will have to carry on until we get democracy in Burma. As a student, I didn’t really know about politics. I only knew that the military government is wrong. So I rebelled and demonstrated against the military government. Their rule is totally wrong for Burma. Because of that, they arrested and cruelly imprisoned me. After we were imprisoned, we learned more and more about the injustices carried out by the military government, and that strengthened my beliefs even more. So who will keep fighting if we don’t? We have to carry on. But for the moment, I still don’t know about the current situation in Burma. I need to learn, and wait and see for a while. I am sure I will carry on, but I can’t tell you how.

Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) & Burma Freedom Movement

“The people bravely expressed their will in 1990, but still their will has not been recognized. The people of Burma want something very simple. They want the opportunity to be able to shape their own lives. When we fought for independence from the British before 1947, the Burmese people asked for the right to shape their own destiny. Now that we are fighting for democracy, we are asking for the same thing. We are asking for the right to shape our own destiny”.

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC)

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) is the global campaigning and lobbying organisation to restore democracy, human rights and rule of law in Burma where everyone can enjoy the freedom of speech, press, beliefs, assembly and rule of law that emphasizes the protection of individual rights. Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) has the firm determination, dedication and devotion to keep on working until the democracy restore in Burma.