National League for Democracy Statement No. 11/10/10

Unofficial Translation by BDC

National League for Democracy
Statement No. 11/10/10

26 October 2010

On 7 November 2010 elections will be held in Burma in accord with the 2008 constitution which legitimise military rule in Burma. But said constitution doesn’t grantee protection of ethnics’ rights, human rights, and democratic principles, and so it won’t help building peaceful democratic nation. The election laws are unfair and unjust. Addition to that it is also against the NLD’s founding principles of working for establishing genuine democratic nation which grantee basic human rights and working against re-emerging dictatorship systems in Burma which suppress people.

Therefore, National League for Democracy (NLD) officially BOYCOTT the 2010 election for the sake of the nation and the public.

For the public it is their rights that they have the right NOT to vote at the election. Addition, if someone forces the public to vote then you can report to the police and file the case.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy, also said that–

“People have the rights to vote and rights not to vote.”
“Asking to vote forcefully is also breaking the law.”
“If people don’t want to vote because they don’t see NLD to vote then do not vote anyone”.

In accord with the decision made on 25.10.2010 CEC meeting

National League for Democracy (NLD)

By Burma Democratic Concern (BDC)

To restore Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law in Burma.

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